


        Nanotron是一家德国高科技公司,利用专利宽带线性调频扩频CSS技术(IEEE802.15.4a标准所采用),Nanotron 开发了测距定位芯片。Nanotron公司的主要产品定位于RTLS(实时定位系统),基于可定位的WSN(无线传感网络)市场。

    Nanotron is a leading provider of electronic location awareness solutions. If knowing what, where and when is mission-critical to your business, rely on nanotron with Location Running. Nanotron’s solutions deliver precise position data augmented by context information in real-time. Location Running means, reliably offering improved safety and increased productivity, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week: Location-Awareness for the Internet of Things (IoT). Nanotron Technologies GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sensera Limited (ASX: SE1), an IoT solution provider that delivers sensor-based products transforming real-time data into meaningful information, action and value.